Message from the President

Mongolia is a big country with a population of only three million. As one of the world’s top 10 resource-rich countries, it is a potentially rich country. Mongolians are proud to be the nation that built the largest empire in the history of the world. They have a wonderful culture, which includes world famous throat singers.

Mongolians are now suffering a great deal of pain. Nearly one-third of the population are poor with a daily income of less than US$ 1.25. The infant mortality rate is the highest in the world, and Ulaanbaatar has the worst pollution of all the world’s capital. With the collapse of the Russian Federation 25 years ago, socialist ideology has fallen into a mental vacuum. Morality and ethics have collapsed. The family has collapsed. Sixty percent of our students are growing up with only one parent. Most mothers are responsible for their family’s life and education. Half of our students are not graduating high school, and half can’t afford lunch.

Family education is not possible. School education is unaffordable. They need a church. They need Christian faith. Only the Christian faith can restore the family, bring back morality and ethical consciousness, and give hope to people. Just as American missionaries have established 269 Christian schools in Korea, including Yonsei University, Paichai University, and Ewha University, Korean and American Christian churches have helped the people of Mongolia to have a Christian faith.

Huree University’s goal is to make Mongolia into a Christian nation that will grow to be one million Christians. We will create 10,000 Christian scientists and 100,000 Christian IT technicians in cooperation with churches all over the world, including Korea and the United States. We are working hard to create such a vision. With your prayers and large or small donations, I hope that the last command of Jesus, “Go to all nations, preach the gospel and make disciples,” will be able to transform Mongolia into a Christian nation in the name of Korean and American churches and in your own name.

Chung Hoon Soon, Ph.D.